CAMHS are specialist NHS mental health services for children and young people. They offer assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support for young people who are experiencing problems with their emotions and mental health. Within APST, we have our very own Senior CAMHS Practitioner working 3 days per week, who is able to offer the above services with greater flexibility and a deeper understanding of the specific needs of the children who attend MS PRU learning centres. Working as part of the multi-disciplinary team means that often CAMHS is not offered as a one off intervention and is instead offered collaboratively along with the services of the other professionals in the team. If a child is referred to CAMHS however it is felt that CAMHS involvement is not the most appropriate service at that time, a recommendation will be made as to what other services could be referred to.

Please see attached resources that you may find helpful including:

  • Child/Young Person ‘My Keep Safe Plan’

  • Mental Health Safety info for Parent/Carers

For further advice and support, parents/carers can visit:

Young people can visit:

These webpages offer resources, support and advice around a number of mental health needs and include contact details for your local CAMHS services should you need them.

Barlow Hall Rd,
Manchester M21 7JJ

General Enquiries