Destination Data
The planned destinations for Year 11 learners were reported to Governors in the Summer Term. Excellent partnership work has taken place over the Summer holidays with core Centre Managers and AP partners working with Career Connect, The Manchester College and internal support staff to track and monitor the application and enrolment processes for all Year 11 leavers. Regular review meetings were held, where key partners reported their efforts to review the planned destinations for our students and their efforts to engage students who were tracking towards being NEET.
Post-16 Destinations
Data in Sep 23 indicates that the proportion of students who had an accepted offer of a place or who had an identified intended destination were:
- 4% - September Guarantee
- 2% - Intended Destination
- 4% - Tracking towards NEET
Data from Oct 11th 2023 identified:
- 66% - EET
- 27% - NEET
- 5% - Not Known
Where students do not have an appropriate planned destination, referrals are being made to the Career Connect Community team who are commissioned to undertake targeted work with students who are NEET or likely to become NEET.
Centre staff from our Core KS4 centres and our commissioned AP are in the process of contacting last year’s Year 11 students to give us a clear picture of how many of our students have completed their enrolment. We have continued to work closely with the LA’s data team to ensure we can continue to have access to up-to-date destination information which they receive from the range of post-16 providers in Manchester.
We continue to work with the Manchester College to track the impact of our partnership working on
a) the number of students who enrol and successfully sustain a placement,
b) the number of students who enrol on an initial pathway but change placement,
c) the number of students who enrol on a pathway and drop out and the number of students who are NEET.