Key Stage 4 Curriculum
KS 4 Curriculum
All students study a core curriculum: GCSE English, Maths and Science and a high-quality Personal Development programme
- Range of other accreditations - Functional Skills and Entry Level available
- Offer of a full GCSE (or equivalent) programme for all KS4 students to allow access to the Level 2 threshold
- Additional GCSE (or equivalent) qualifications available dependent on the Centre or provider:
- GCSE English Literature,
- GCSE Art,
- BTEC Sport and Fitness,
- BTEC Creative Media Production,
- GCSE Citizenship,
- GCSE Drama,
- BTEC L1/2 Home Cooking Skills,
- BTEC L1/2 Money and Finance Skills,
- BTEC L1 Workskills,
- OCR National L1/2 Child Development
- BTEC First L1/2 Award in Health and Social Care
- NCFE 1/2 Tech Award in Sport Studies
- NCFE L1 Essential Digital Skills
Students will have the opportunity to engage in a number of additional activities matched to their interests (not all activities available at all Centres):
- Bike maintenance
- Gardening
- Music
- Vocational learning available from the Manchester AP Framework for targeted students
Onward Destinations
- Students supported to return to mainstream if appropriate – significant one-off incidents; school ready
- Students will have their SEND needs met through a graduated approach and either transition to named setting or supported into post-16 provision
- Pathway 3 developed in conjunction with the Manchester College, students supported to progress to FE college or other EET provider
- All students supported to make an effective transition to post-16 Education, Employment or Training